The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code
Riemann 2D test problems: isothermal HD variant
2D HD Riemann problems: isothermal cases


These are 2D Riemann problems similar to Lax & Liu SIAM 1998, or also in Liska & Wendroff, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 25, 3, pp. 995-1017, 2003 (section 4.4), but here modified to isothermal hydro setting. You can try to modify the setups, or compare different schemes.

How to run

Setting up the files



Simply issue the make command:


Running the code

To run with e.g. 4 processors, use

mpirun -np 4 ./amrvac -i config4.par

Changing the parameters

A complete list of parameters can be found

Changing the physics and initial conditions

Have a look at the local file mod_usr.t. You can modify the initial conditions easily.