The MPI - Adaptive Mesh Refinement - Versatile Advection Code
Features overview

This is a brief overview of the main features of the MPI-AMRVAC software package.


This software has to be configured, preprocessed, and compiled into a single main executable program, amrvac which can be run on multiple processors using MPI. MPI-AMRVAC will initialize and advance the unknowns, and perform automated grid refinement to follow all details of the (possibly shock-dominated) flow. The program is split into several logical parts, and heavily uses Fortran 90 modules and dynamic allocation.

Once the configuration and compilation are done, amrvac can advance the solution in time, or can be used to convert previously produced data files to specific other formats for visualization. The data itself will be saved into .dat data files, which each contain a single snapshot of all grids and their unknowns in time, which can be used for eventual restarts. Besides these snapshots, the code can write output in a number of formats, which can directly be visualized with e.g. Paraview or Visit.

Source Language and Compilation

The *.t source files of AMRVAC are written in dimension independent notation, known as the LASY syntax. A suitably modified (and also simplified) version of the VAC Pre-Processor, VACPP translates the source code files to Fortran 90.


In general, MPI-AMRVAC aims to solve a system of (primarily hyperbolic) partial differential equations written in conservation form, with optional source terms on the right hand side:

See equations for more detail.

Grid and Boundary

The following types of finite-volume grids are supported:

  • Cartesian 1D, 1.5D, 2D, 2.5D, 3D
  • Cylindrical 2D, 2.5D, 3D
  • Polar 2D, 2.5D, 3D
  • Spherical 2D, 2.5D, 3D

The slab, cylindrical or spherical grids differ in the definition of volumes and surfaces for the grid cells, and there are some extra terms in the equations, like the p/r term in the radial momentum equation for hydrodynamics. These are defined in the addgeometry subroutines for each AMRVACPHYS module. For polar grids the same geometrical source terms are used.

The boundaries are represented by ghost cells around the physical mesh. Of course, for a grid-adaptive computation, internal boundaries are handled appropriately, and the user is expected to interfere only with the physical domain boundaries, which represent 2, 4, or 6 regions depending on the dimensionality (1,2 or 3). The boundary types are defined for each region and each variable separately. The following boundary types are available:

Type Value of the ghost cell
periodic Copied from opposite edge of the mesh
symm Reflected from closeby mesh cells
asymm Reflected from closeby cells and multiplied by -1
cont Copied from mesh cell next to the ghost cell
special Defined by the specialbound subroutine in AMRVACUSR module

The pages on discretization and axial coordinates provide further information.

Spatial Discretization

In MPI-AMRVAC, most discretizations are shock capturing conservative numerical schemes. A non exhaustive list is given by:

Name Description
cd4 4th order central difference scheme
tvdlf MUSCL type TVD-Lax-Friedrich
tvdmu TVD-MUSCL with Hancock predictor
tvd One-step temporally 2nd order TVD
hll Harten-Lax-van Leer (HLL) solver
hllc Harten-Lax-van Leer-Contact (HLLC) solver
hlld Harten-Lax-van Leer-Discontinuities (HLLD) solver
fd conservative finite differences, up to fifth order with MP5 reconstruction

In multidimensional MHD calculations the divergence of the magnetic field may become significantly different from zero. This may cause numerical instability or inaccurate results. There are several source-term options to fix this problem. E.g., Powell non-conservative source terms, which are proportional to div B, can be used to stabilize, and to improve the accuracy for any of the methods. We also provide several variants of the Dedner GLM scheme.

See methods for a more detailed description.

Temporal Discretization

With the finite volume methods, second order accurate explicit time integration can be obtained by predictor-corrector and multistep Runge-Kutta type discretizations. See time_discretization. In finite differences, the overall accuracy can go up to fourth order using the appropriate temporal discretizations. The more important ones are:

Name Description
onestep 1st order Euler scheme
twostep 2nd order predictor-corrector schemes
threestep 3rd order (TVD) Runge-Kutta
fourstep rk4 allows for selecting 4th order Runge-Kutta (classical)
fourstep ssprk4 is a 3rd order, strong stability preserving four step Runge-Kutta
fivestep ssprk5 is 4th order, strong stability preserving five step Runge-Kutta

The time step can be adjusted dynamically to satisfy the stability criteria.